Sessions & Workshops

Overview of Sustain DTU 2015

    This is the continuously updated version of the conference programme - please always refer to this page as any changes will be implemented here.

    Book of abstracts: Download the abstract book in pdf (~20 Mb).

    Maps of session, poster and laptop locations in: 

    10-12: Morning Sessions and Workshops:

    13.30 - 15:30 Afternoon Sessions and Workshops

    Each session

      • Is chaired and organized by a session committee with people covering more departments at DTU or external to DTU. 
      • The committee selects which abstracts should be accepted and how the will be allocated as talks and posters.
      • The committee makes the detailed plan for each session, and also selects winners of the session poster prize.
      • A session is limited to 2 hours and several will run in parallel.
        A suggested plan for each session could be as:
        • Starting with talks
        • Then a period with pitch-talks from each poster/laptop presenter.
        • Finishing with time for poster/laptop-viewing, discussion and networking. The Lunch and Social event time can also be used for viewing posters.


      • These are opportunities to learn more about a specific theme and do not have contributed talks/posters.
      • Please sign up for the workshops in the conference registration to participate for the full workshop duration, unless the workshop is stated as 'drop-in' and hence open for entry at all times

      Details about the Sessions 

      A: Assessing Sustainability of Technologies

      - Life cycle assessment, impact, risks and improvements 

      Claiming something is green is easy, but being able to document the expected impact is becoming increasingly important for researchers and industry. The assessment can involve complex resource, material and energy processes and the emissions to the environment. For example as found in waste management, energy systems, biofuel production, wastewater treatment, and sludge management systems.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact:Thomas Fruergaard Astrup,, DTU Environment
      • Alexis Laurent,, DTU Management
      • Michael Zwicky Hauschild,, DTU Management
      • Anders Damgaard,, DTU Environment

      Session A Location:

      Session A Programme  - number refer to the book of abstracts and the map for location.

      Oral presentations

      (10 min. each, incl. potential questions)

      • A-1: Renewability of products assessed using emergy
        Hanne Østergård 
      • A-2: Opportunities and challenges for including Planetary Boundaries in Life-Cycle Assessment
        Morten Ryberg
      • A-5: Green manufacturing – Environmental Sustainability in Production
        Jan-Markus Rödger
      • A-4: GHG emission factors of biofuels: A case study for Denmark
        Davide Tonini
      • A-3: Life cycle assessment modelling of new technologies considering
        Anders Damgaard
      11.00 –

      Laptop/poster pitch presentations in meeting room 1

      (2-3 min. each)

      • A-7: How do we assess “sustainability” with proper indicators?
        Yan Dong
      • A-13: Advances in assessing terrestrial toxicity of metal emissions for improved
        sustainability characterization of technologies
        Mikolaj Owsianiak
      • A-10: Life Cycle Costing for Solid Waste Management Systems in EASETECH
        Veronica Martinez-Sanchez
      • A-17: Sustainable and Safe Process and Product Development supported by Risk
        assessment, and Life Cycle assessments
        Frank Markert
      • A-16: A Multi-Scale, Multi-Disciplinary Approach for Assessing the Technological, Economic, and Environmental Performance of Bio-Based Chemicals
        Miguel Campodonico
      • A-12: Role of data quality in assessment of the sustainability of technologies
        Trine Henriksen
      • A-14: Quantifying uncertainty in sustainability assessments: from feedstock to
        Valentina Bisinella
      • A-8: Assessing the importance of machinery, buildings and infrastructure in
        LCA of waste management systems
        Line Brogaard
      • A-18: The Nature of Thorium in Bauxite and Bauxite Residue from Greece
        Platon Gkamaletsos
      • A-11: The Hamlet dilemma for aluminium cans in the circular economy: to be or
        not to be in a closed loop?
        Monia Niero
      11.40 –
      Poster session & networking in glassalen  (map)

      B: Bioprocess & Cell factory engineering

      -  Metabolic processes and omics analysis

      Versatile cell factories can be engineered to support the future bio-based economy and bioprocesses based on renewable substrates e.g. using waste products from other industries. This session focus on metabolism, metabolic networks and modelling methods for evaluating cell factories and their potential e.g. through integrated approaches and omics analysis.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact:, Prof. Uffe Mortensen, DTU Systems Biology
      • Mhairi Workmanm, DTU Systems Biology (cannot be there on 17th)
      • Jochen Forster DTU Biosustain
      • Tim Hobley DTU Food

      Session B Location:

      Session B Programme 

      10:00 Welcome to the session

      Oral presentations:

      10:05 B-3: Integrated approaches for assessing cell factories for sustainable bioprocesses.

      Patrice Lubuta (replacement for Mhairi Workman), DTU Systems Biology


      10:20 B-4: Conditional protein depletion using small degradation tags and CRISPR/Cas9 systems.

      Virginia Martínez, DTU Biosustain


      10:35 B-1: High-level ethanol production by metabolically engineered Lactococcus lactis using economically renewable feedstocks.

      Jianming Liu, DTU Food


      10:50 B-2: ioproduction of chemical Compounds by CO2 fixing cell factories.

      Fariza Ammam, DTU Biosustain

      11:05 Poster presentations:

      All other presenters will give 2 min poster presentations in S09.


      B-14: Biosensor-based genome screening platform for the production of Biosynthetic Precursors and coFactors in E. coli.

      Cardinale S.* , Ye L., Sommer M.


      B-17: Expanding the N-terminal tag toolbox for functional expression of Cytochrome P450s in cell factories
      Dario Vazquez-Albacete, Mafalda Cavaleiro, Ulla Christensen, Susana Seppälä and Morten H. H. Nørholm


      B-7: Exploiting fungal cell factories for pigment production

      Gerit Nymschefsky, Thomas Isbrandt Petersen, Kasper Bøwig Rasmussen, Ulf Thrane, Mhairi Workman


      B-8: Differential expression of small RNAs under chemical stress and fed-batch fermentation in Escherichia coli
      Martin Holm Rau, Klara Bojanovič, Alex Toftgaard Nielsen, Katherine S. Long*


      B-9: Identification and validation of small proteins in Pseudomonas putida KT- 2440

      Xiaochen Yang, Sheila Ingemann Jensen, Tune Wulff, Scott James Harrison, Katherine S. Long


      B-10: Screening of novel microbial catalyst in Bioelectrochemical systems (BES)

      Nabin Aryal, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Tian Zhang


      B-11: Sustainable production of biochemicals by CO2 -fixing cell factories

      Justyna Maria Lesiak, Michael Baureder, Fariza Amman, Tian Zhang and Karsten Zengler


      B-12: Physiological characterization of three different Yarrowia lipolytica strains growing on glycerol, glucose, xylose and arabinose

      Patrice Lubuta, Mhairi Workman


      B-13: Conversion of fatty acids to their corresponding alcohols by Sporomusa ovata using Microbial Electrosynthesis (MES) technology

      Fariza Ammam1, Nabin Aryal, Dawid-Mariusz Lizak, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Karsten Zengler and Tian Zhang


      B-15: Unlocking the potential of fungi: QuantFung project

      Milica Randelovic, Sietske Grijseels and Mhairi Workman


      B-16: A CRISPR/Cas9 system for genetic engineering of filamentous fungi

      Christina Spuur Nødvig, Jakob Blæsbjerg Hoof, Martin Engelhard Kogle, Uffe Hasbro Mortensen


      B-19: Ethanol production in microbial electrosynthesis using Sporomusa ovata as biocatalyst

      Fariza Ammam, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Karsten Zengler and Tian Zhang

      11:30-12:00  Poster and Laptop session


      C: Competence Development in Sustainability

      - Innovation, entrepreneurship and education

      Developing sustainable technologies and usage of resources requires continuous update of scientists and engineers to the latest knowledge in this complex field to ensure the best solutions. Innovation and entrepreneurship now require additional considerations of environmental impacts. Similarly the education of the future engineers and scientists must include these aspects. This session deals with how competences in sustainable development can be improved.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      Session C Location:

      Session C programme


      Strategy and actions - teaching sustainability 

      At DTU a number of initiatives exist with the aim of ensuring that all students will get--at least--a good understanding of what sustainably is, and what it means to their area of expertise. During this workshop we ask; what are the core green teaching activities at DTU, and do we do enough to ensure that future engineers are able to do green business?


      6 x 7 minutes presentations will inspire the debate: 


      C-2: Sustainability competences to all engineering students, why and how? 
      By Stig Irving Olsen, DTU MAN


      Grøn Dyst: the aim and the outcome 
      by Louise Hindenburg, DTU AUS (no abstract)


      Living Labs – teaching sustainability in practice. 
      By Per Sieverts Nielsen, DTU MAN; Panagiota Gianniou  og Alfred Heller, DTU BYG (No abstract)


      C-4: Sustainability through hands-on experience: Solar Decathlon
      By Ongun Berk Kazanci , DTU BYG


      C-7: Changing the game: tangible energy planning and knowledge sharing 
      by Kai Heussen DTU Elektro

      Climathon, can we hack a green future?  
      By Line Gry Knudsen, Climate KIC (no abstract)


      The digital revolution in support of teaching sustainability 

      A number of MOOCs, blended learning courses and digital stand-alone online ‘knowledge nuggets’ are seeing the light of day these years. This workshop presents initiatives and debate if - and how - online elements can support competence development in sustainability.     


      4 x 7 minutes presentations will inspire the debate: 


      C-5: DTU MOOC: ’Global Environmental Management’ 
      by Henrik Bregnhøj, DTU Environment


      C-3: Continuing education in Wind Energy through E-learning 
      by Merete Badger, DTU Wind Energy


      Teaching green entrepreneurship online 
      by Piret Liv Stern Dahl, Climate KIC (no abstract)


      Certified professionals – an initiative from Climate KIC 
      by Piret Liv Stern Dahl, Climate KIC  (no abstract)


      The two debates will be documented in a ‘visible resume’ to inspire future actions (by Sketchy Banana). 


      2x1 minutes poster pitches


      C-9: Joint PhD Research, at DTU and NTNU, on the Implementation of Sustainability Approaches in Companies, 
      Raphaëlle Stewart, DTU MAN ENG

      C-10: Joint PhD Between NTNU and DTU on the Industrial Implementation of Design for Sustainability, 
      Faheem Ali, NTNU


      E: Sustainable Energy

      - How to create cleaner and more renewable energy supplies 

      The way society provides power has a huge climate impact and major contribution to our footprint. This session covers the numerous technologies and scenarios that are explored for the future power supply and energy storage, which is often linked in with transportation of people and goods.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen DTU Natlab
      • Leif Sønderberg Petersen DTU Natlab
      • Mogens Bjerg Mogensen DTU Energy
      • Jens Juul Rasmussen DTU Physics
      • Rasmus Fehrmann DTU Chemistry
      • Peter Hjuler Jensen DTU Wind

      Session E Location

      Session E programme


      ​NB: Each laptop and poster presenter will have one minute and one slide to introduce their presentations. Please send a single PowerPoint slide with your key messages no later than 15 December to Leif Sønderberg, If we have not received your slide within the deadline your pitch presentation will be cancelled, but of course your poster/laptop Space is still reserved for you. 

      10:00 – 11:00: ORAL PRESENTATIONS


      11:30 – 12:00: POSTER SESSION 

      10:00 – 11:00

      Session chair: Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen, DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy

      10:00 – 10:10
      E-1: Photocatalytic Water Splitting: Using a 2Photon Tandem Approach
      Brian Seger*1, Bastian Timo Mei1, Dowon Bae1, Erno Kemppainen, Thomas Pedersen2, Peter Vesborg1, Ole Hansen1, Ib Chorkendorff*1
      1: DTU Physics; 2: DTU Nanotech 3: Aalto University

      10:10 – 10:20
      E-2: Electrolysis for Power to Fuel
      Mogens B. Mogensen, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage

      10:20 – 10:30
      E-3: A new DTU-lead European Research Infrastructure for 3D Wind Field Measurements using Space and Time Synchronized WindScanners
      Torben Mikkelsen1*, Mikael Sjöholm1; Nikolas Angelou1; Anders Tegtmeier Pedersen1and Nikola Vasiljevic1
      1DTU Wind Energy

      10:30 – 10:40
      E-4: What is the impact of different energy futures on the optimal waste treatment?
      Marie Münster*1, Amalia Pizarro1, Raffaele Salvucci1, Hans Ravn2
      1: DTU Management Engineering; 2: RAMløse-edb

      10:40 – 10:50
      E-5: Experimental analysis of a solid oxide fuel cell stack coupled with biomass gasification
      Rasmus Østergaard Gadsbøll1,*, Jesper Thomsen1, Christian Bang-Møller2, Camilla Nygaard1, Amrei Tomaszewski1, Jesper Ahrenfeldt1, Ulrik Birk Henriksen1
      1Technical university of Denmark, department of chemical and biochemical engineering, 2Haldor Topsoe A/S, Haldor Topsøes allé 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby 


      (One minute for each presenter)

      Session chair: Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen, DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy

      E-20: Stellarators and small, modular fusion power plants: New ideas for sustainable fusion power
      Volker Naulin1, Jens Juul Rasmussen1, Mikhail Gryaznevich2
      1: DTU Fysik, Fysikvej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, 2: Tokamak Energy, 120A Olympic Avenue, Milton Park, Oxon, OX14 4SA, UK

      E-21: Can diverging regulatory approaches hinder the deployment of renewable energy? The case of offshore wind in Europe
      Lena Kitzing*1, Klaus Skytte1
      1: Energy Economics and Regulation Group, DTU Management Engineering

      E-24: FEM Validation of a Single Degree of Freedom Model for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters
      Lucia R. Alcala1, Anders Lei1, Mikkel V. Larsen1, Døgg Durhuus1, Erik V. Thomsen1
      1: DTU Nanotech

      E-30: Nano scaled electro catalysts, a versatile concept for novel solid state fuel cells and electrocatalytic reactors
      Kent Kammer Hansen, Peter Holtappels, Tania Ramos, Bhaskar Reddy Sudireddy, Marie Lund Traulsen
      DTU Energy

      E-37: TiO2-Si solar cells with carrier selective contacts and low temperature processing
      Maksym Plakhotnyuk1*, Ole Hansen1
      1Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology

      E-7: Comparing superconducting and permanent magnets for magnetic refrigeration
      R. Bjørk, K. K. Nielsen, C. R. H. Bahl, A. Smith, and A. C. Wulff*
      DTU Energy

      E-8: Coupling of phase change material with nighttime radiative cooling
      Thibault Péan*1, Eleftherios Bourdakis1, Bjarne W. Olesen1
      1: DTU Byg

      E-11: Recovery Potential and Emissions of Excess Heat in Denmark
      Fabian Bühler*1, Tuong-Van Nguyen1, Brian Elmegaard1
      1: DTU Mechanical Engineering

      E-12: Role of computers in stimulating sustainable development: an example in efficient utilization of wind energy
      Hamid Sarlak1
      DTU Wind Energy

      E-13: Innovative bioelectrochemical-anaerobic-digestion integrated system for ammonia recovery and bioenergy production from ammonia-rich residues
      Yifeng Zhang1*, Irini Angelidaki 1
      1 DTU Environment

      E-14: Acetaldehyde as an intermediate in the electroreduction of carbon monoxide to ethanol on oxide-derived copper
      E. Bertheussen1, A. Verdaguer-Casadevall1, D. Ravasio2, C. Roy1, D.B. Trimarco1, S. Meier3, J. Wendland2, I.E.L. Stephens1, I. Chorkendorff*1
      1: DTU Fysik; 2: Carlsberg Laboratory; 3: DTU Kemi

      E-15: Development of Catalysts for ORR HT-PEMFCs
      Kim Degn Jensen*1, Eleonora Zamburlini2, Amado Andres Velazquez-Palenzuela2, María Escudero-Escribano2, Ifan Stephens2, and Ib Chorkendorff 2
      1: DTU Physics, CINF; 2: DTU Physics, CINF

      E-16: Protected methylammonium lead halide perovskite photoelectrodes for efficient two-photon water splitting
      M.J. Bækbo* (1), B. Mei (1), D. Bae (1), B. Seger (1), P. C. K. Vesborg (1), I. Chorkendorff (1)
      (1) DTU Physics

      E-17: H2CAP - Hydrogen Assisted Catalytic Biomass Pyrolysis for Green Fuels
      Trine Marie Hartmann Arndal1, Magnus Zingler Stummann1, Martin Høj1, Peter Arendt Jensen1, Anker Degn Jensen*1, Lasse Røngaard Clausen2, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt3, Jostein Gabrielsen4, Delfina Pintos5 and Felix Studt5.
      1: DTU Chemical Engineering, 2: DTU Mechanical Engineering, 3: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 4: Haldor Topsøe A/S, 5: Stanford University

      E-18: TEM characterization of NiGa model catalysts for methanol synthesis
      C. Spiga1, 2 , M.R. Almind1,2, N. Secher1,2, H.J.L. Silva2, J.B. Wagner1, I. Chorkendorff2, C.D. Damsgaard*1,2 
      1: DTU Cen; 2: DTU Physics

      E-19: Synthesis and Characterization of FeNi/ɣ-Al2O3 Egg-Shell Catalyst for H2 Generation by Ammonia Decomposition
      Hugo Silva, Morten G. Nielsena, Elisabetta M. Fiordalisob, Christian D. Damsgaardb, Carsten Gundlacha, Takeshi Kasamab, Ib Chorkendorffa, Debasish Chakraborty*
      1: DTU Physics; 2: DTU Cen

      E-23: Integration of energy, GHG and economic accounting to optimize biogas production based on co-digestion
      Authors: Temesgen Fitamo1, Alessio Boldrin1, Khagendra Raj Baral, Ali Heidarzadeh Vazifehkhoran, Ida Græsted Jensen, Ida Kjærgaard, Kari-Anne Lyng, Quan Van Nguyen, Lise Skovsgaard Nielsen, and Jin Mi Triolo
      1 Department of Environmental Engineering

      E-25: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy as a Tool for PEMECs Development
      Katrine Elsøe*1, Johan Hjelm1, Mogens B. Mogensen1.
      1: DTU Energy

      E-26: Durable thin ceramic films for improvement of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysis
      Filippo Fenini*, Peter Vang Hendriksen, Mogens B. Mogensen
      Department of Energy Conversion and Storage

      E-27: Micro-scale organic Rankine cycle units for industrial waste heat recovery
      Enrico Baldasso*1, Stephan Olesen2, Fredrik Haglind1
      1: DTU Mechanical Engineering; 2: Innogie ApS

      E-28: Recent advances in Catalysis Research using Electron Microscopy
      Jakob B. Wagner1*, Davide Deiana1, Ib Chorkendorff2, Ifan Stephens2, Thomas W. Hansen1
      1: DTU Cen; 2: DTU Fysik

      E-29: Spray-coated CZTS Nanoparticles in Water for Environmentally-friendly, Inexpensive Solar Cell Absorber Material
      Sara Engberg*1, Naghmeh Mirbagheri1, Andrea Crovetto2, Edoardo Bosco2, Ole Hansen2, Jørgen Schou1
      1: DTU Fotonik; 2: DTU Nanotech

      E-31: CO2 adsorbers for upgrading of bio-gas to methan 
      Leonhard Schill
      1Centre for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry, Department of Chemistry

      E-32: Life Cycle Management in wind energy technologies and planning case from Siemens Wind Power
      Alexandra Bonou*1 , Stig Irving Olsen1
      1: DTU Management

      E-34: Pt-based catalysts for diesel exhaust oxidation: support effect and bimetallic elements
      Hugo Silva1, Nicola Mazantti1, Cristiano Spiga2, Ib Chorkendorff1, Debasish Chakraborty*1
      1: DTU Physics; 2: DTU Cen

      E-35: Thin film CZTS solar cells made by Pulsed Electron Deposition
      Rebecca Bolt Ettlinger1** , Andrea Crovetto2, Edoardo Bosco2, Jørgen Schou, Francesco Pattini3, and Stefano Rampino3
      1: DTU Fotonik; 2: DTU Nanotech; 3 : IMEM‐CNR , Parma, Italy

      E-36: Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of the solar cell materials CZTS and CTS
      Andrea Cazzaniga1, Sara Engberg1, Rebecca Ettlinger1, Andrea Crovetto2, Jørgen Schou1
      1: DTU Fotonik; 2: DTU Nanotech

      E-38: Improving the oxygen reduction reaction by strain effects: bulk and nanoparticles studies
      Amado Velázquez-Palenzuela1*, María Escudero-Escribano1, Federico Masini1, Anders F. Pedersen1, Davide Deiana2, Paolo Malacrida1, Thomas Willum Hansen2, Daniel Friebel3, Anders Nilsson3, Ifan E.L. Stephens1, Ib Chorkendorff1
      1: DTU Fysik; 2: DTU CEN; 3: SLAC (USA)

      E-39: Thin Films of Pt and PtGd as Model Catalysts for Oxygen Electroreduction
      Eleonora Zamburlini, Christoffer Mølleskov Pedersen, Paolo Malacrida, Maria Escudero Escribano, Ifan Stephens, Ib Chorkendorff
      CINF, Department of Physics

      E-40: Impact of thermal annealing onto CO electroreduction at mesoporous Cu
      C. Roy1,2*, S. Garbarino1, I. E. L. Stephens 2, I. Chorkendorff 2, and D. Guay1

      11:30 – 12:00


      Evaluation for poster prize


      F: Food Resources

      Food supply & security, agri- and aquaculture 

      Supplying the world’s population with food is the most resource consuming human activity. Ensuring that agri- and aquaculture remain within the carrying capacity of the ecosystem, and at the same time that our food supply is stable, affordable and secure is the topic of this session.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:


      Session F Location: 

      Session F Programme 


      15 minute presentations



      F-1: INTEGRATED FOOD SECURITY: mapping and selecting different indicators and

      metrics from sustainability till safety, pig product case study

      Elena Boriani, Tine Hald DTU GDSI, DTU FOOD



      F-3: Emulsifying and antioxidant properties of fish protein hydrolysates

      obtained from discarded species: evaluation on fish oil-in-water emulsions

      Pedro J. García-Moreno*1, Antonio Guadix2, Emilia M. Guadix2, Charlotte Jacobsen1

      DTU Food


      F-7: Resilience and reactivity of global food security

      Samir Suweis1, Joel A.Carr2, Amos Maritan1, Andrea Rinaldo3,* and Paolo D’Odorico2

      1: DTU Management; 2:DTUEnvironment; 3: DTU Fysik


      10 minute presentations

      F-2: Waste management in food production

      Zaza Nadja Lee Hansen*1, Peter Jacobsen1

      DTU Management


      F-4: Microalgal bioremediation of nutrients in wastewater and production of

      food/feed ingredients

      Hamed Safafar*, DTU Food, Technical University of Denmark,

      Charlotte Jacobsen, DTU Food, Technical University of Denmark,

      Susan Løvstad Holdt, DTU Food, Technical University of

      Per Møller, Ecolipids, Jyderup, Denmark,


      F-6: Fisheries Management: Is Europe turning the corner?

      Pr. Clara Ulrich*, DTU Aqua


      F-5: Evaluation of the Danish cultivated sugarkelp as possible future source of ingredients such as minerals and pigments

      Susan L. Holdt*1, Goncalo S. Marinho2, Jens J. Sloth1, Hamed Safafar1, Jette Jakobsen1, Irini Angelidaki2





      1 minute Poster/laptop presentations

      • F-9: Patrizio Mariani
      • F-10: Ken H. Andersen
      • F-12: Maklawe Essonanawe Edjabou
      • F-13: Eva Eriksson
      • F-14: Marie-Louise Nouard
      • F-15: Nuno Cosme
      • F-16: Kai Xu
      • F-17: Arne Wangel
      • F-18: Shiwen Zhuang

       11:40   Poster/laptop session in glassalen  (map)


      G: Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship

      - Sustainability and business development

      Given the increased emphasis on sustainability spanning the consumers, the legislation and the investors, and even UN development goals, the scene is changing for start-ups and existing companies. What are the challenges and opportunities?

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Søren Lybecker DTU Business
      • Lasse Wiberg
      • Peter Christian Kjærgaard Vesborg


      Session G location:

      Session G Programme 

      13:30-13:35 Welcome

      13:35-13:50 G-3: Sustainability trends (Per Dannemand Andersen – Professor, DTU Management Engineering)

      13:50-14:20 G-2: Value propositions for sustainable businesses; A framework (Bjarne Henning Jensen – CEO, Syddansk Teknologisk Innovation)

      14.10-14:25 Value propositions for sustainable businesses: A case (Laurits Bach Sørensen – CEO, Microshade) - not with abstract.

      14:25-14:30 Break

      14:30-14:45 Sustainability as a business (Rasmus Astrup – Project Director, SLA) – not with abstract.

      14:45-15:00 Bladena: A spin out from DTU Wind Energy (Finn Mølholdt Jensen – CTO, Bladena) – not with abstract.

      15:00-15:10 G-1: Maturing the sustainability performance of manufacturing companies (Daniela Cristina Antelmi Pigosso – Postdoc, DTU Mechanical Engineering)

      15:10-15:20  2 minute pitch presentations in Oticon

      • G-7: The decisive factors for profitability in direct reuse of polystyrene packaging materials (Samuel  Brüning Larsen – PhD Student, DTU Management Engineering)
      • G-5: Reduction of thermal budget in the solar industry (Rasmus Schmidt Davidsen – PhD Student, DTU Nanotech)
      • G-9: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective on Grocery Retailers’ Eco-Strategizing (Marcelo Mazzero, DTU Management Engineering)
      • G-8: Strategizing for sustainability in a changing world: a dynamic capability approach (Marcelo Mazzero, DTU Management Engineering)

      15:20-15:30 Poster session in Glassalen  (map)


      I: Bio-inspired functional surfaces

      - Learning from nature

      Looking at structures in nature to learning from their complex and optimized design achieved by evolution can lead to design of novel surface structures providing improved efficiency both during use and of resources in production and disposal.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Anders Kristensen, DTU Nanotech
      • Torben Lenau,, DTU Mechanical Engineering
      • Karsten Rottwitt,, DTU Fotonik


      Session I location:

      Session I programme

      10:00 Introduction to session I - Presentation of topic and participants.
      (Torben Anker Lenau, DTU MEK).
      Oral presentations:

      I-3: Surface Functionalization with Polymers: Towards Biocompatible and Ecofriendly Lubrication of Engineering Systems
      Seunghwan Lee 


      I-2: Ink-free color decoration
      Anders Kristensen*1, Emil Højlund-Nielsen1, Cristian Lavieta1, Xiaolong Zhu1, N. Asger Mortensen2 1: DTU Nanotech; 2: DTU Fotonik 


      I-1: Bio-inspired aesthetic solar cells
      Torben Lenau*1, Anders Kristensen2, Thea Brekke1, Laura Stokbro1 


      I-4: Diatoms for a green future
      Christian Maibohm1*, Karsten Rottwitt1, Josefine Holm Nielsen1, Søren M. M. Friis1, Torben Anker Lenau2, Marianne Ellegaard3, 1: DTU Fotonik; 2: DTU Mekanik, 3:PLEN KU 

      Poster (5 min pitch per poster) 

      I-7: Highly functionalized nano-microstructures for Bioengineering
      Ana C. Mendes1*, Ioannis S. Chronakis1

      11:40 I-8: Interactions between electrospun fibers and the surrounding biological environment; cells and small molecules
      Karen Stephansen 

      Panel Discussion - Bio-inspired functional surfaces -  Research and innovation perspectives at DTU

      11:55  Go to poster session  in Glassalen (map)
      - posters also on display during lunch 

      J: Joint University Sustainability Initiatives

      - Inspiring DTU-KU-CBS research and teaching collaborations

      This session will provide an inspiring overview of interdisciplinary research and teaching activities on sustainability bridging DTU, KU, and CBS, and introduce the joint collaboration Copenhagen Sustainability Initiative (COSI). The session invites all researchers at KU and CBS who would have interest in such collaborations.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Michael Zwicky Hauschild DTU Management
      • Katherine Richardson, CPHU.
      • Henrik Gudmundsson


      Session J location:

      Session J Programme 

      10.00-10.05 Welcome by the chairs

      10.05-10.20  J-2:   Kenneth Karlsson (DTU), Eigil Kaas (UCPH), Jørgen Brandt (UCPH): Centre for Energy, Environment and Health (CEEH)

      10.20-10.35 J-3:  Marianne Ellegaard (UCPH): The ALPHA project – collaboration between DTU-Photonics and UCPH

      10.35-10.50 J-1: Henrik Gudmundsson (DTU), Carsten Greve (CBS): Sustainability in transport planning – a cross-university subject par excellence?

      10.50-11.05 J-7:    Marianne Ellegaard (UCPH), Marja Korksi, (DTU-Aqua), Mathias Middelboe (UCPH): Teaching sustainability in Aquatic Science and Technology - collaborations between DTU-Aqua, UCPH-BIO and UCPH-PLEN

      11.05-11.25  J-5:   Stefano Ponte (CBS), Katherine Richardson (UCPH): The Copenhagen Sustainability Initiative (COSI): A DTU-CBS-KU cooperation effort

      11.25-12.00        Discussion:

      Which challenges and opportunities do joint university sustainability initiatives present in terms of funding; interdisciplinary collaboration; administrative systems; etc. What can we learn for future collaborations of this kind?  And how can we strengthen the collaborations?

      L: Smart Liveable Cities

      - Urbanization, Buildings, Transport, Water, Infrastructure

      How can urban infrastructure and architectural engineering lead to more sustainable and smart liveable cities? Real time control of environmental systems is increasingly optimizing supplies, drains, transport and building conditions. Industry and households  become more integrated with control of district heating systems and intelligent energy systems for exploitation of wind and solar energy. Automatic flood warning systems may contribute to climate adaptation, and blue-green multifunctional areas may become crucial elements in urban planning. All in pursuit to mitigate climate impacts and reduce the urban impact as the world’s population unavoidably becomes increasingly urbanized.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      Session L location:

      Session L Programme 


      Oral session



      Introduction to Session L: Smart liveable cities

      Peter Steen Mikkelsen, DTU Environment & Water DTU


      L-7: Multifunctionality and new technology as the backbone of a smart, resource efficient and liveable Copenhagen (title to be confirmed)

      Lykke Leonardsen, City of Copenhagen


      L-2: Control of electricity load in future smart cities

      Henrik Madsen, DTU Compute & Center for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems


      L-6: EnergyLab Nordhavn, Integrated energy infrastructures and smart components

      Christopher Greisen, DTU Elektro


      L-4: The organizational context for sustainability in municipal facilities management
      Susanne Balslev Nielsen, DTU Management Eng.


      L-3: Testing the assertion that urban agriculture is sustainable

      Benjamin Goldstein, DTU Management Eng.


      L-5: Importance of detailed meteorological information for smart city development

      Neil Davis, DTU Wind


      L-1: Smart cities and integrated utilities – how to get things realized?

      Henrik Kærgaard, Niras




      Poster and Laptop pitch presentations with one slide and 1 minute for each pitch (sorted in order to create some level of coherence)


      L-9: Intelligent transport systems in the smart city, Francisco Peireira, DTU Transport (Laptop)


      L-11: Challenges and opportunities in urban water governance – case study Malmö, Hilda Maria Guttiérrez (Laptop)


      L-15: Quantifying sustainability in architecture, Mathilde Lindgren, Lotte Jensen, DTU Civil Eng. (Laptop)

      L-19: Life Cycle Assessment of cloudburst management plans in adaptation to climate change adaptation in Copenhagen, Sarah Brudler, DTU Environment (changed to Poster)


      L-10: LAR-potentiale: a new planning tool to support sustainable stormwater management, Sara Lerer, DTU Environment (Laptop)

      L-18: Using numerical weather prediction ensembles to anticipate flows in urban areas, Vianney Courdent, DTU Environment (Poster)


      L-13: Sustainable district Nordhavnen – energy system modelling, Sara Ben Amer, DTU Management Eng. (changed to Poster)

      L-14: Models for flexible operation of building in district energy system Nordhavn, Kyriaki Foteinaki, DTU Civil Eng. (Poster)

      L-16: Optimization of municipal energy strategies: are community energy projects the key to a higher implementation rate of renewable energies?, Jens-Phillip Petersen, DTU Civil Eng. (Poster)


      L-17: Coping with cold – in situ observation, Jennifer Fiebig, DTU Civil Eng. (Poster)


      Poster/Laptop session & networking Glassalen  (map)


      M: Sustainable Materials

      - Improving performance and reducing footprints

      Novel materials can enhance efficiency and reduce cost in many processes and application. This session focuses on creating novel materials with superior performance that help reducing the overall footprint, resource consumption or enhances recyclability.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Jane Hvolbæk Nielsen 
      • Bo Madsen <> DTU Wind
      • Marcel A. J. Somers (not present on 17th)
      • Grethe Winther DTU Mek

      Session M Location:

      Session M Programme 

      Oral Presentations: 
      M-1: Natural Fibre Composites: Properties and Challenges,
      Bo Madsen*, Hans Lilholt, Christen Malte Markussen, Tom Løgstrup Andersen, DTU Wind Energy 
      M-5: The sustainable future of packaging: A biodegradable paper beer bottle,
      Ellen Brilhuis-Meijer and Prateek Saxena*, DTU Mechanical Engineering 
      M-2: High Temperature Materials for Efficient, Flexible Thermal Energy Plants,
      John Hald, DTU Mechanical Engineering 
      M-6: Material challenge for future fuel factories,
      Malene Kaab*, Per Møller, DTU Mechanical Engineering 
      M-4: Computational Discovery of Sustainable Energy Materials,
      Kristian SommerThygesen, DTU Physics 
      M-7: Lightweight aluminium alloys for sustainable future,
      Rajan Ambat and V.C Gudla, DTU Mechanical Engineering 
      M-3: Materials characterisation tools towards lead-free piezoceramics,
      Jette Oddershede*1, Marta Majkut1, Emily Yap2, John Daniels2, Søren Schmidt1, 1: DTU Physics; 2: UNSW Australia 

      Lap top and Poster pitches
      (2 minutes and 1 slide each): 

      M-9: In situ ETEM Study on the Growth Termination of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes,
      Lili Zhang1, Thomas W. Hansen1, Maoshuai He2, Jens Kling1, Hua Jiang3, Esko I. Kauppinen3, Jakob B. Wagner*1,1: DTU CEN, 2: Laboratoire d´Étude des Microstructures, ONERA-CNRS, France, 3: Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science, Finland


      M-10: Polarization enhancement of ferroelectric nanoparticles,
      B.S. Baekke, M. Beleggia*, DTU Danchip/Cen

      M-16: Developing methods for In-situ TEM and potential studies in energy storage, electrochemistry, material science, and bioscience etc.,
      Murat Nulati Yesibolati, Silvia Canepa, Rolf Møller-Nilsen, Simone Laganà, Hongyu Sun, Kristian Mølhave*, DTU Nanotech

      M-13: Chemically Modified Hierarchical Metal Oxide Nanostructures for Excellent Lithium Storage,
      Hongyu Sun1, 2*, Jawayria Mujtaba2, Jing Zhu2, Kristian Mølhave1 *, 1: DTU Nanotech; 2: Tsinghua University, P. R. China

      M-14: Preliminary analysis of recycled fishing nets in construction materials,
      IMG Bertelsen, LM Ottosen, Centre of Arctic Technology, DTU Civil Engineering

      M-15: Use 200x less material! Solar cells based on the Cu2ZnSnS4 compound,
      Andrea Crovetto*1, Sara Engberg2, Rebecca Ettlinger2, Andrea Cazzaniga2, Jørgen Schou2, Ole Hansen1,3, 1: DTU Nanotech; 2: DTU Fotonik; 3: CINF, Center for Individual Nanoparticle Functionality

      M-12: Waste management of ENM-containing solid waste,
      Laura Heggelund, Alessio Boldrin*, Steffen F Hansen, Thomas F Astrup, DTU Environment


      P: Improving Production

      - Sustainability and production processes, improving performance, efficiency and capabilities.

      Production methods lies beneath any technology. Improvements can reduce resource loss and recycling of waste, but also facility faster prototyping and hence product development or dedicated production of specialized products.
      This year there will be extra focus on exploring how polymer production methods and e.g. 3D printing offers new prototyping and production possibilities.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Tian Zhang
      • Niels Bent Larsen
      • Jörg Hübner

      Session P location:

      Session P Programme 


      P-1: Advanced methods for producing small functional 2D and 3D objects
      (Niels B. Larsen)


      P-2/P-3: 3D carbon electrodes for microbial electrosynthesis
      (Nabin Aryal / Tian Zhang)


      P-4: High-resolution multi-material 3D printing by stereolithography for biomedical use
      (Rujing Zhang / Niels B. Larsen)


      P-5: High-speed roll-to-roll manufacturing of functional 2.5D surface structures
      (Swathi Murthy)


      Two-minute poster and laptop pitches (focus on broad relevance of the work)

      P-13: Life cycle assessment injection mold inserts: Additively manufactured, in brass, and in steel
      (Michael Mischkot and Thomas Hofstätter)

      P-10: Towards development of a novel online tool wear compensation method for dry micro-electrical discharge milling
      (Govindan Puthumana)

      P-14: Optimisation of polymer processes through induction heated tools
      (Peter Torben Tang)

      P-8: Pyrolysed carbon microelectrodes with improved performance for cyclic voltammetry and EIS
      (Yasmin M. Hassan)

      P-12: Proximity effects in a chemically amplified electron beam resist patterned at 100 keV
      (William Tiddi)

      P-9: Deep-UV lithography: Principles, optimization, and simulation
      (Matthias Keil and Niels Peder Møller)

      P-11: TiO2 and Al2O3 ALD grown multilayers for subwavelength photonics
      (Evgeniy Shkondin)


      Poster and laptop session in Glassalen  (map)


      Q: Quality of Life & the Future of Healthcare

      How do we ensure good healthcare and wellbeing in the light of demographic change and current trends?

      As the population increases in number, wealth, and age, it becomes ever more challenging to ensure peoples wellbeing and health. Age and wealth related diseases will demand a daunting increase in efficiency and new approaches in the healthcare system. In addition an ever widening part of the population should hopefully be able to receive better preventive health monitoring and treatment. This session covers the challenges and solutions to ensure a long life of high quality in the future, and any method or technology involved in achieving improved wellbeing and healthcare.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Lars Jelsbak
      • Thomas N Kledal,
      • Ramneek Gupta,

      Session Q location:

      Session Q Programme 

      13:30 Q-3: Carbon nanopillars for stem cell differentiation and dopamine detection’ 
      Ada-Ioana Bunea
      13:40 Q-4: Technologies for creating and screening biological libraries at ultra high speed’ 
      Thomas Glasdam Jensen and Martin Dufva*
      13:50 Q-5: ’Microcontainers as an oral drug delivery system’ 
      Ritika Singh Petersen
      14:00 Q-6: ’Development of a Plastic Membrane Containing Micro-hole(s) for a Potential Bio-Sensing Application’ 
      Vida Krikstolaityte
      14:10 Q-7: ‘Genomic Epidemiology’
      Ole Lund

      4x1 minute pitches by

      • Q-10: Solène Cherré
      • Q-12: Bahar Bingöl
      • Q-14: Helle Sommer
      • Q-13: Fatemeh Ajalloueian.
      Strategic collaborations session Q 
      14:30  ‘Healthcare at DTU’ 
      Niels Axel Nielsen (no abstract)
      14:50  Q-1: ‘Opportunities and challenges in the Biomedical Engineering domain’ 
      Lars Jelsbak
      15:00 Q-8: ‘Why Big Data is relevant in Health care’
      Ramneek Gupta
      15:10  Q-2: ‘Healthcare Engineering’ 
      Thomas Kledal
      15:20  Discussion and poster session in glassalen  (map)



      R: Biorefining

      - Developing biofuels from biomass

      Integrated production of energy carriers from residual biomass is an essential part of a sustainable future. Identification and development of optimal combinations of substrates, conversion processes and utilization of the biofuels is a very complex process. This session invites speakers to present new, innovative and promising technologies for sustainable production of biofuels in a biorefinery context, e.g. including biogas, bioethanol, biohydrogen as well as any associated high-value products produced together with the biofuels.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Hariklia N. Gavala DTU Chem. Eng.
      • Anne S. Meyer
      • Irini Angelidaki
      • Ioannis Fotidis
      • Carsten Jers DTU Chemical Engineering,
      • Kasper Planeta Kepp, DTU Chemistry,
      • Ulf Thrane DTU System Biologi, 

      Session R location:

      Session R Programme 

      Welcome and short introduction
      – Anne Meyer/Hariklia Gavala 
      R-5: Multi-Scale Technoeconomic Framework for Assessing Viability of Emerging Bio-based Processes
      by Kai Zhuang, Sumesh Sukumara*  et al., DTU Biosustain
      R-4: The glycerol Biorefinery: Valorization of crude glycerol through its conversion into biofuels and green chemicals by mixed microbial consortia  
      by Cristiano Varrone et al., DTU-Chemical Engineering, BioEng Center 
      R-2: Hydrogen mediated biogas upgrading in a two-stage mesophilic reactor
      by Ilaria Bassani et al., DTU Environment 
      R-3: Investigation of Potential benefits in Biorefinery Processes by the Use of Aquaporin InsideTM Membrane Separation
      by Kalafatakis et al., DTU-Chemical Engineering, BioEng Center 
      R-1: Microbial electrochemical monitoring of volatile fatty acids during anaerobic digestion
      by Xiangdan Jin et al., DTU-Environment 

      one-slide-one-minute pitch talk of the laptop/poster presentations 

      R-7: Xinyu Zhu

      R-8: Andrea Corona

      R-10: Dimitar Karakashev

      R-11: Panagiotis Tsapekos

      R-12: Xiaohu Li

      R-13: Ranjan Parajuli

      R-14: Anna Lymperatou

      R-15: Han Wang

      R-16: Martina D'este

      R-17: Demi Tristan Djajadi

      R-18: Dimitar Karakashev

      R-19: Peter Fristrup
      R-20: Mayra Melián Rodríguez

      laptop/poster session in glassalen  (map)


      S: State of the Earth

      - Monitoring and mapping the state of the environment on a local and global scale.

      Many regions of the world suffer from the lack of available local environmental data or political restrictions on information exchange. With the advances in the availability, resolution and quality of remote sensing this is in part being resolved. In addition advances in in situ sensor technology, widespread deployment and new data analysis techniques is providing a wealth of in sight and information for mapping the state of the environment. In this session we aim to focus on recent development in monitoring and mapping capabilities both from space and in situ as well as on local and global scales. 

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen <>
      • Colin Stedmon <>
      • Ole Baltazar Andersen – cannot be there on the 17th
      • Marja Koski

      Session S location:

      Session S Programme 


      Oral presentations 

      13:30-13:45 S-4:
      Martin Drews and Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen:
      Regional modelling of the Earth System: a summary of recent Work

      13:45-14:00 S-7:
      René Fléron:
      Stratospheric Air-Ships a Platform for Earth Observation

      14:00-14:15 S-3: 
      Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen and Ask Holm:
      Modelling the Antarctic Ice Sheet

      14:15-14:30 S-6:
      Bjarne Stage and Eva Maria Pedersen:
      Observing marine living resources

      14:30-14:45 S-2:
      Katherine Richardson and Jørgen Bendtsen:
      Primary production in oligotrophic ocean regions likely greater than currently underestimated

      14:45-15:00 S-1:
      Colin A. Stedmon, Mikael Sejr, Jørgen Bendtsen, Tage Dalsgaard, Thomas Juul Pedersen, John Mortensen, Søren Rysgaard:
      Changes in the freshwater inventory of Young Sound-Tyroler fjord system (NE Greenland): Evidence from 10 years of Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring

      15:00-15:15 S-5:
      Kirsten Halsnæs and Per Skougaard Kaspersen*:
      Key drivers and economic consequences of high-end climate scenarios: uncertainties and risks



      Posters (5 min pitch for each poster) 

      S-10: Carlo Sorensen, Karina Nielsen, Ole B. Andersen, Per Knudsen:
      Data Use and Complexity in Coastal Climate Adaptation and Planning

      S-11: Karina Nielsen, Heidi Villadsen, Lars Stenseng, Ole B. Andersen and Per Knudsen:
      Water levels of lakes and Rivers observed from space 

      S-12: Ramona Valentina Mateiu, Naoko Nagatsuka, Kumiko Goto-Azuma and Jakob Birkedal Wagner:
      Electron Microscopy for Morphological Analysis of Black Carbon Accumulated in Glaciers


      T: Sustainability in a chemical world

      - Chemicals and Nanoparticles, their toxicology and risks

      The societal challenges related to organic chemicals and nanoparticles in the environment are profound, multifaceted and wide ranging and the question is how we can and are to achieve sustainability and a future circular economy in a world that relies heavily on access to industrial chemicals. In this session, we propose to invite speakers to present on what we know about uses of chemicals and the benefits of using chemicals, their risks and challenges related to assessing their risks in relation to human health and the environment. Finally, how we can achieve sustainable uses of chemicals in the future. These questions raises a series of the societal, scientific and technical challenges related to chemical substances that we believe many will be interested in discussing.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Steffen Foss Hansen,
      • Ulla Birgitte Vogel,
      • Eva Bay Wedebye,
      • Anne Marie Vinggaard

      Session T location:

      Session T Programme 


      T-1: New free Danish online (Q)SAR predictions database with >600,000 substances,
      Eva B. Wedebye, Nikolai G. Nikolov, Marianne Dybdahl, Trine K. Reffstrup, Sine A. Rosenberg 
      T-6: Food safety and sustainability of chemicals used for food contact materials – is risk assessment the right tool?,
      Xenia Trier 
      T-2: Environmental risk assessment of chemicals and nanomaterials — The best foundation for regulatory decision-making?,
      Kristian Syberg, Steffen Foss Hansen* 
      T-10 Poster spot light Health risk assessment of chemical mixtures
      Julie Boberg*, Sofie Christiansen, Marta Axelstad, Anne Marie Vinggaard, Karen Mandrup, Ulla Hass  
      T-9 Poster spot light Chemical contamination of material cycles,
      Kostyantyn Pivnenko, Thomas F. Astrup 
      T-3: The Applicability of Chemical Alternatives Assessment for Engineered Nanomaterials,
      Rune Hjorth, Steffen Foss Hansen, Molly Jacobs, Joel Tickner, Michael Ellenbecker, Anders Baun 
      T-4: Environmentally sustainable nanoparticles - Towards a new paradigm for ecotoxicity testing and hazard assessment of engineered nanoparticles,
      Anders Baun, Sara Nørgaard Sørensen, Lars Michael Skjolding, Nanna Bloch Hartmann, Steffen Foss Hansen 
      T-5: Safe use of nanomaterials,
      Ulla Vogel 
      Debate and poster session in glassalen  (map)




      W: Water & Sustainability

      -  Ensuring water resources for the future

      Water resources need to be managed efficiently and jointly with other resources. Treatment technology and recovery is of rising global importance. This also involves sensor technology to gather information on water in cases spanning from industrial production processes to environmental or climate related measurements, i.e. from managing and optimizing efficiency in consumption and recycling to assessing resources’ quality as well as depletion and replenishment.

      Scientific committee chairing the session:

      • Contact: Morten Birkved,, DTU Management
      • Jenny Emnéus,
      • Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen,

      Session W location:

      Session W Programme 

      13:30  Introduction to Session W by Karsten Arnbjerg  
      Oral presentations (4 x 15 min incl. questions)
      13:35  W-1: Tracey Colley  – DTU Management 
      13:50  W-2: Roberto Ortiz – DTU Chemistry 
      14:05  W-3: Ryle Gejl – DTU Environment 
      14:20  W-4: Claus Davidsen -  DTU Environment 

      Poster and Laptop pitch presentations with one slide and 2 minutes for each pitch

      • W-8: Hjalte Jomo Danielsen Sørup

      • W-9: Roland Löwe

      • W-10: Muzafar Ahmad Kanjwal

      • W-11: Bjarne Ersbøll

      • W-12: Alberto Maresca

      • W-6: Agata Zarebska 


      Poster/laptop session and discussion in glassalen  (map)






      X: Is your technology really sustainable?

      - Optimize your research towards documented sustainable solutions

      This workshop will introduce you to the different aspects and methods of assessing the overall impact of a technology and documenting 'how green it is'. This will help guiding and optimizing your research towards documented sustainable solutions.

      After a brief introduction to the fundamental principles of life cycle assessment (LCA) as a tool to assess environmental sustainability we will look more into the details of concrete projects and help identify the environmental hot spots and the main environmental improvement possibilities for your technology or project, looking across its whole life cycle from the cradle (raw material extraction) to the grave (end of life and potential new life in other products), and addressing all the relevant environmental impacts.

      We have a limited number of LCA experts available so register early and provide input to have a discussion of your case during the workshop.

      Organized by Michael Zwicky Hauschild,, DTU Management

      Session X location:


      Y: Kick-start Your Next Funding Application

      - Develop your next project

      In this two-hour workshop you will:

      • Get an overview of where to apply for post doc funding
      • Be introduced to the different sections of a typical post doc application, such as state-of-the-art, research plan and budget
      • Benefit from talking to other early stage researchers
      • Do a one-page-proposal of your best research idea
      • Get some sound writing principals and some tips for the successful application
      • Learn where to get more help when applying for external research funding
      • It is our ambition that you leave the workshop with a better possibility of writing a successful application

      Aimed at Post docs, but others are very welcome too. We hope that you later can follow a one-day course in the spring.

      Organized by Fundraisers from DTU Nanotech

      Contact person Kirsten Gelting, DTU Nanotech

      Session Y location:

      Workshop Program

      • Welcome and introduction
      • Where to apply for post doc funding
      • The 1-page proposal
      • Your research idea! - interview exercise
      • Going through and application - section by section
      • Writing principles and tips for the successful application
      • Your research idea - writing exercise
      • Q&A and wrap up


      Z: Fundraisers lounge

      - Get answers and help to your project applications

      DTUs fundraisers will be available for questions and discussions in the Fundraisers Lounge

      For each session we will try to make a fundraiser join to present upcoming possibilities in the field.

      Contact: Anne Line

      Session Z location:



      The organizational context for sustainability in municipal facilities managementSusanne Balslev Nielsen, DTU Management Eng. (asked for Oral – will get Laptop or Poster)
