
Where and When at the ATV-Sustain Conference

Date: 30th Nov 2016

Download book of abstracts here (5Mb)
Map of poster session
- Info on poster prices






Registration in Oticon, Coffee/tea, Poster setup in Glassalen/Oticon



10 min Welcome by Rector Anders Overgaard Bjarklev, DTU

15 min Katrine Krogh Andersen, Dean of research. DTU. 


Parallel sessions in
Meeting center
and Glassalen

Morning Sessions with talks, discussion & poster pitches

  • A: When is a Technology Sustainable? In Room S01
  • Joint session BFR in Glassalen, see program B: Bioprocess 
    • B: Bioprocess 
    • F: Food Resources 
    • R: Biorefining
  • (G: Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship - moved to afternoon session L)
  • H: The future of healthcare in Room S02
  • M: Sustainable Materials in Room S09
  • P: Improving Production in Room S04
  • S: State of the Earth in Room S12
  • U: Sustainability in a Chemical World in Room S16



Poster session with all posters
(both morning and afternoon sessions)

Lunch with Sandwiches



Michael Hauschild: ATV Welcome



Mogens Lykketoft
"UNs development goals for 2030 in a technology perspective"



Lene Lange, DTU,
"The importance of green technologies to reach the SDG's -a Danish opportunity to contribute -and to benefit!"



Afternoon Session Pitches:
How Danish technology can lift environmental, social and economical sustainability?

Chair Michael Zwicky Hauschild, DTU

  • E: Energy:
    John F. Pedersen,
    Communication director, Siemens.
    "Danish Environmental Technologies in Siemens."
  • I: Biobased solutions:
    Claus Stig Pedersen,
    Head of Corporate Sustainability, Novozymes
    "Novozymes strategic alignment to the UN Global Goals"
  • L: Smart Liveable Cities:
    Torben Klitgaard,
    Director, BLOXHUB, 
    "Innovation Urbanization – new mindsets, new solutions"
  • W: Water:
    Helle Katrine Andersen,
    Head of Section, DANVA 
    "The role of a dedicated global water goal and Danish water technology for improving environmental, social and economic sustainability"


Glassalen and
meeting center

Go to sessions pause with coffee/tea/cake


Parallel Sessions in
Glassalen and
meeting center

Afternoon Sessions

  • E: Energy in Glassalen
  • I: Biobased solutions in Room S09
  • L: Smart Liveable Cities (incl session G) in Room S01
  • W: Water in Room S12



5 min summary of each sessions + discussion

Ca 16:20-17:15


Continued Poster session + networking and DTUs brewery



Poster prize ceremony and concluding comments by Henrik Kærgaard, Niras
Continued poster session/networking

Poster and Laptop prices

  • The prices are sponsored by Niras.
  • 8 prices of 500 kr will be awarded to the best posters/laptop presentations in the conference.
    • 2 prices in the BFIR sessions
    • 2 prices in the E session
    • 1 price in M
    • 1 price in P
    • 1 price in the AGLW sessions
    • 1 price in the HSU sessions
  • The poster prize will be given based on a combined evaluation of
    • Abstract,
    • Pitch presentation in the sessions where this is done
    • Poster/laptop presentation during the poster sessions.
  • The very best posters/laptops in each session will be nominated for a prize, and by the end of the day the prize winners will be selected from the nominees and awarded during the social event at the end of the day.
  • The session committees are in charge of the assessment of the prices, chaired by the contact persons of each committee.
  • Henrik Kærsgaard from Niras has the final vote should that be needed.

Poster price winners

• #A-7 Faheem Ali
Nordic organizational style and how it may support design for sustainability implementation
• #B-7 Hansol Bae
oil bodies in Psyscomitrella patens by overexpressing oil body-associated proteins. 
• #E-11 Magnus Zingler Stummann
H2CAP - Hydrogen assisted catalytic biomass pyrolysis for green fuels
• #E-24 Albert K. Engstfeld,
– Activity – Stability Relationship of Nanostructured Model Electrodes Catalysis
• #M-14 Anna Lewinska
Detection of fungal growth and its influence on gypsum wallboard – in the process of creating sustainable building materials.
• #P-8 Agnieszka Telecka
Superhydrophobic Properties of Nanotextured Polypropylene Foils Fabricated by Roll-to-Roll Extrusion Coating
• #R-6 Cristiano Varrone
optimization of operating parameters for CSTR bioprocesses: the case of glycerol conversion.
• #S-7 Selina Howalt Owe, DTU Space
Can the Paris Agreement stop global warming?