Sustain 2014


Moving to action & creating your next step!
Go to the Ideation Form to submit your idea
You can always edit your submission later
via the link in the form confirmation email

During the day you will get inspiration and opportunity to mutually create new collaborations and projects in the morning, afternoon and poster sessions.

By the end of the day the parallel ideation workshops will facilitate opportunities to make concrete plans based on your inspiration and networking. The ideation workshops are in different formats in the sessions, so see the specific ideation sessions’ description for the ones you find most interesting.

See the list of ideation workshops on the session page

Ideation can lead to many activities and project proposals!
Here some suggestions you can think of:

  • Outline a specific joint research  project or funding application
  • Formulate a project that students could work on to get you initial results to evaluate the idea. They could do MSc/Bsc thesis, product development, or life cycle assessment etc. 
  • An initiative for a new activity such as meeting or a whitepaper
  • A startup idea or market opportunity
  • Strategic sector development activities
  • A suggestion for a new session at Sustain2018
  • New partners for existing projects or new projects with existing partners
  • A change in your carreer …and many other possibilities!
In the spring 2018 we will organize Sustain Pit Stop events to follow up on the submitted ideation project to aid in advancing them. All submitted ideas will be invited to share progress at Sustain 2018.


Supporting your action

Sustain will work on helping your project ideas forward based on the input you give us through an online form:
 Click here to get the ideation form.
You can fill it briefly in from your mobile phone and later edit your submission via the confirmation email

Sustain and partners will use the following resource list to locate possible  positive matches and get back to you if we find some. 

The listed contact persons here is only for you to be able to follow up if you have further questions later on.

Resource list for ideation proposals

  • Funding

    • Research Support DTU will try to locate suitable funding calls for you
      Contact person: Faton Avdijaj,
    • Climate-KIC: Possible participation in the next CKIC Ideation day  31st Jan 2018 in Finland at Aalto Univ. For more info visit the Ideation day 2017. Or next call for Pathfinder projects primo Feb. 2018. 
      Contact person: Morten Mikkel Mejlhede Rolsted,

  • Search to locate possible suitable collaborators in the Sustain partner networks:

    • Climate KICs partners and projects
      Contact person: Morten Mikkel Mejlhede Rolsted,
    • Sector Development project om Bioeconomy
      Contact person: Anders Pall Skött,
    • Sector Development project om Water
      Contact person: Mads H Odgaard,
    • Clean Cluster
      Contact person: Ulla Brandt
    • Gate 21
      Contact person: Lone Kelstrup, 
    • Innovationsnetværk for Miljøteknologi
      Contact person: Ulla Brandt, 
    • Innovationsnetværk for biomasse, INBIOM
      Contact person: Jacob Mogensen - Agro Business Park,
    • COSI – Copenhagen Sustainability Initiative (DTU, CPHU, CBS) Contact person:Michael Zwicky Hauschild 
      will help to locate possible collaborators at DTU or other universities

  • Manpower
    To get initial tests done, valuable first results could be achieved in a student project or MSc/BSc project!

    • Students present at Sustain are scouting for MSc and BSc projects, and will work on making your project available as a student project at DTU for other students in the DTU project database.
      Contact person: Kit Bjerregaard, 
    • Some will be selected if suitable cases for the 180 students for the course Innovation and Product development student projects
      Contact person: Thomas J. Howard
    • Some will select the most suitable cases as student projects for the course Sustainable development of emerging technologies
      Contact person: Stig Irving Olsen
    • Some will be selected as case study for DTU’s large life cycle assessment (LCA) course, where students perform full life cycle assessments on industry cases with coaching from skilled LCA practitioners
      Contact person: Alexis Laurent,
    • Grøn Dyst will try to recruit students interested in the projects
      Contact person: Louise Hindenburg, DTU.
    • If you approve we make it openly public, we may include this in a list of projects passed on to all Sustain participants so they can get back to you if they have relevant input  or know of matching activities your idea match well.

  • PR and reaching beyond partners

    • If you check ok for it we may post it in our 4000+ linked in group and try other ways to make PR for it.

  • Sustain 2018

    • The submitted projects will be invited to join Sustain next year and share their progress
    • In the form you can also submit ideas for next years Sustain and the Pit Stop events
      E.g. ideas for New partnerships, better ways of making ideation? New session topics?

We cannot guarantee any matches, but will in these ways try to help your project to be initiated and grow!

The information submitted will be considered confidential if you in the form mark it to be so – even if you don’t want us to help, please let us know if you got something out of the conference by submitting a confidential form or emailing us.