

The Sign-up for the Sustain 2017 Conference is closed.

How to Participate

Sustain 2017 gives you invited talks from industry and top researchers, mixed with contributed talks and posters selected from submitted abstracts.

You get inspiration and opportunity to mutually create new networks and projects aiming at developing the best sustainable technological solutions.

Abstracts go through a peer review process. You can opt-in to get personal feedback on your talk/poster. There will be poster prizes awarded to the best poster presentations.

We are fully booked and registration only trough waiting list!

Sign-up for the Sustain 2017 conference  via the waiting list in ConferenceManager

Abstract submission deadline was 20th November 2017 - Abstract submission now only by email and with full acceptance by the session chair and at full participation price. 

Before submitting a late abstract please contact the chair of the session you submit to, to get a confirmation this abstract is acceptable. Otherwise it may not be accepted as the programs are being finalized

 - Remember to check you get the registration confirmation email
Until Nov 20th After Nov 20th

Conference participation, Fully booked


Reduced price for    
Contributors with poster or talk, submitted abstract** DEADLINE PASSED Free 200 
Partner organization members at half price:
DTU employees/Alumni, Members of ATV, Clean Cluster, Innovationsnetværk for miljøteknologi, Climate-KIC, DI, Inbiom, Landbrug og Fødevarer
 200  200
 Invited speakers (register via the waiting list!) Free  Free
 Conference committee members Free   Free
 Students searching for MSc og Bsc projects  30 free entries 200 
Company stands and exhibitions - please contact us on  --  --
* Payments are non-refundable. 
** Only the presenting author gets the reduced price (only one person).


You can request to present in 3 ways:

  • Oral presentation as talk in the session.
    The projectors and flat screens are for 16:9 widescreem, but also handle 4:3 formats. There is a range of adapters available (VGA; HDMI, Display, Mini Display. For Apple adapters you'd better check up before and optionally borrow one from the main DTU reception in hall A.
  • Poster presentation with your poster on a board  
    Poster (max 120 cm wide x 180 high) - A0 841 x 1189
    You must put it up in the morning 8:00-9:00
  • Laptop presentation
    where you present on your battery powered laptop standing by a café table in the poster session area - see the imageat the bottom of the page

The posters and laptop presentations for all sessions will be together in a hall while also lunch/snaks are served.

Some sessions also will allow the poster/laptop presenters to give a short pitch in the morning/afternoon sessions. This will be organized by the individual sessions. 

The session committees will make the final decision on acceptance of submitted abstracts, the presentation format and duration of the submitted requests after the registration deadline.

Abstracts may be requested to be revised by the session chairs, or moved to another more appropriate session, or rejected if found unsuitable.

The session chairs will inform you about the final program and if they can meet your presentation request.


The abstract template can be downloaded from this link

Your abstract must only be max 1 A4 page.

It is your responsibility that the material submitted does not infringe any intellectual or copyrights as it will be made publicly available.

Submit your abstract by registering via ConferenceManager 

Get and give feedback on your presentation

At registration you can optionally choose to give and get feedback on presentations.

Check this if you would like to be paired up with a presenter to provide detailed personal feedback on their presentation. 

We will match you with what we believe is a suitable abstract submitted by another participant. If you are a present, then you will be giving mutual peer feedback. The matching will be done about 14 days before the conference, so later registrations will not be included.

We connect you through email so you can mutually arrange when you give feedback during or after the conference, and if you want to share the files before/after.

Please make the feedback specific and constructive!

We also hope this will connect people with different backgrounds to discover related work and new approaches.

Poster prizes

  • The poster and laptop presentations are evaluated by the session committees and prizes will be awarded to the best based on a combined evaluation of
    • Abstract,
    • Pitch presentation in the sessions where this is done
    • Poster/laptop presentation during the poster sessions.
  • The very best posters/laptops in each session will be nominated for a prize, and by the end of the day the prize winners will be selected from the nominees and awarded during the social event at the end of the day.
  • The session committees are in charge of the assessment of the prices, lead by the chair of each committee.

Editing your registration

Until Nov 30th. - Deadline passed for this option!

You can edit your registration and upload revised abstract files online until the abstract registration deadline.
Edit your registration by following the link in your confirmation email sent from

Sustain conference 2015