Members of the partner organisations can participate at a reduced price
Climate-KIC is the EU’s largest public private partnership addressing climate change through innovation to build a zero carbon economy.
We address climate change across four priority themes: Urban Transitions, Sustainable Production Systems, Decision Metrics & Finance, Sustainable Land Use. Education is at the heart of these themes to inspire and empower the next generation of climate leaders.
We run programmes for students, start-ups and innovators across Europe via centres in major cities, convening a community of the best people and organisations.
Our approach starts with improving the way people live in cities. Our focus on industry creates the products required for a better living environment, and we look to optimise land use to produce the food people need.
Climate-KIC is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. |
CLEANis a world-leading cleantech cluster based in Denmark and with an international foot print. Our mission is to accelerate the green and sustainable transmission while realizing growth for the Danish cleantech sector. Clean is a project organization that develops and implements projects to accelerate the green transition and stimulate growth.
Innovation Network for Environmental Technologies’ (Inno-MT)goal is to promote environmental technology innovation in the Danish environmental technology sector, with focus on increasing exports, growth and employment in Danish SMEs. This is achieved through matchmaking, knowledge sharing, Internationalization and entrepreneurship |
Landbrug og Fødevarer |
Dansk Industri |
Innovationsnetværketfor Biomasse,INBIOM, accelerates the development of new technologies, concepts and business related to bioeconomy. We do this via transferring of relevant knowledge, connecting people, and facilitating project development and management. Focus areas are production, pre-treatment, separation, and conversion of biomass. INBIOM facilitates subnetworks related to insects, Biogas, kettles and Agricultural machinery. Internationalisation is an important aspect of INBIOMs work. EU projects is a strategic priority tool and INBIOM is partner of the Biobased Industries Consortium via its host organisation Agro Business Park. Other partners behind INBIOM is DTU, KU, AU, AAU, Force Technology, TI-Agrotech and TI. Klaus Astrup Nielsen, Director Strategy & Innovation at Hedeselskabet is Chairman of INBIOMs steering Committee. Further Information at |
Gate 21 brings together municipalities, regions, businesses and knowledge and research institutions to develop and disseminate energy and resource-efficient solutions that promote green transition and growth in Greater Copenhagen. We have 87 partners hereof 41 municipalities. |
The COpenhagen Sustainability Initiative (COSI) is a network across Sustainability Platform atCopenhagen Business School (CBS), Sustainability Science Centre at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) and the Global Decision Support Initiative at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Our ambition is to create joint research, education and outreach activities on sustainability. The partnership recognizes the need for a cross-disciplinary view on sustainability across universities. |
Grøn Dyst - Green Challenge is an educational initiative at DTU. The aim is to ensure that future engineers integrate aspects of sustainability, climate technology, and the environment in their work. Every year 300 students present their projects at the Green Challenge student conference. Their presentations are evaluated by judging panels consisting of politicians, international partners, experts from the industry, professors and fellow students.
The Green Challenge student conference offers the students a chance to showcase their own project. It is an opportunity to be inspired by fellow students and networks that include some of the country’s top minds devoted to environmental sustainability. DTU invites students from DTU’s closest partner universities to participate in the Green Challenge student conference.
The conference gives the students a unique chance to meet other DTU students and representatives from different businesses, all of which are professionally engaged in different areas of sustainability, the environment and climate technology. The conference itself awards cash prizes for the best projects—money that can be used to further develop your own project. The Green Challenge student conference ends on a festive note with a barbecue for all conference participants.