Sustain DTU Conference Program

Time: All day December 17th 2014

Venue: Building 101 Glassalen in the main canteen and the afternoon track sessions in the meeting center (ground floor) and meeting room (1st floor)

  • Dec 16th workshop registration deadline – click here for workshop registration
  • December 17, 2014: SustainDTU Conference starts in Glassalen bldg. 101 


Download book of abstracts (6 Mb) NB: Poster size: A0 (841 x 1189)

For a map for the poster session and conference locations, see Where to go


The program for Dec. 17th 2014
  • 8:30-9.00  Glassalen: meeting center (ground floor) and meeting room (1st floor): Set up posters 
                     Glassalen: registration & morning tea/coffee
  • 9:00-11:15  Glassalen: Plenum talks, one from each track 20 min, Chaired by Kristian Mølhave.
    9:00: Welcome by Henrik Wegener, Provost, DTU
    9:15: Track 1: Anja Boisen, Prof. DTU Nanotech
     #1:"Micro- and Nanostructures for Biosensing and Oral Drug Delivery"
    9:40: Track 2: Anne S. Meyer, Prof. DTU Chemical Eng.
    #2:"Enzyme technology: Key to selective biorefining"
    10:05: Track 3: Peter C.K. Vesborg, Assoc. Prof. DTU Physics
    #3:"Can engineering solutions really provide a sustainable future?"
    10:30: Track 4: Paul Michael Petersen, Prof. DTU Fotonik
    #4:"Future solid state lighting using LEDs and diode lasers"
    10:55: Track 5: Michael Zwicky Hauschild, Prof. DTU Management Eng.
    #5:"Put numbers on the sustainability"
  • 11:30-13:00 Glassalen, meeting center (ground floor) and meeting room (1st floor)
    Track poster/laptop presentations, and lunch (sandwiches)
    - Track 1 starts with elevator pitches in meeting room 1 (1st floor)
    - Track 4 starts in (A) and outside (B) Glassalen
    - Track 5 starts with pitch talks in meeting center room S12 (ground floor)
  • 13:00- ca. 14:30 Meeting center and glassalen:
    First track session with 5 parallel tracks with talk sessions
    See the track programmes for details:

    • Track 1. Sustainable Quality of life
      - Meeting center room S10 (ground floor)
    • Track 2. Sustainable Bio & Food Resources
      - Meeting center room S01 (ground floor)
    • Track 3. Sustainable Energy & Transportation
      - Meeting room 1 (1st floor).
    • Track 4. Sustainable Production and Materials
      - Glassalen
    • Track 5. Competence Development in Sustainability
      - In meeting center room S12 (ground floor)
  • 14.30-15.30 Glassalen, meeting center (ground floor) and meeting room (1st floor):
    Continued track poster/laptop presentation session
    With coffee/cake served in the meeting center lounge area (ground floor)
    - Workshop 3: Water DTU Workshop Workshop 3
    Time 14:30-15:30. In meeting center room S02 (ground floor)

  • 15:30-17:00 Meeting center (ground floor), meeting room 1 and Glassalen:
    Continued track 1-4 talk session and workshops
    See the track and workshop programmes
  • 17:00-18:00: Social event in the meeting center 
    sponsored by DTU's Grøn Dyst / Green Challenge with DTU's Bryghus
