Secure, clean and efficient.
Program for Track 3
The way we provide power for our activities has a huge climate impact and major contribution to our footprint. This track covers the numerous technologies and scenarios that are explored for the future power supply and energy storage, which is often linked in with transportation of people and goods.
- # indicates number in book of abstracts
- Download book of abstracts (6 Mb)
- For a map for the poster session and conference locations, see Where to go.
- You should bring your presentation ready on both your laptop and on a memory stick. Exchanging laptops often gives problems and there you must be ready to quickly use another computer.
- Talks are organized in the tracks and your track will tell you specifically what to do in that session.
- In some tracks the track chair will require you upload the presentation beforehand.
- There will be laser pointers and adapters available for the talks.
- Lunch time poster session
11:30-13:00 Meeting room foyer (1st floor)
See list of presentations below
- Track 3 talks, first session
13:00-14:40 Meeting room 1 (1st floor)
Chaired by Leif Sønderberg Petersen
- 13:00 #54:Overview of the Sustainable Energy Research at DTU
Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen, DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy
- 13:15 #55:Wind energy for a sustainable development
Ioanna Karagali, DTU Wind Energy
- 13:30 #56:Routes from biomass to fuels
Anders Riisager, DTU Chemistry
- 13:45 #57:Microbial electrosynthesis: a novel strategy for flexible energy storage from electricity surplus and greenhouse gas
Tian Zhang, DTU Biosustain
- 14:00 #58:Flue gas cleaning
Rasmus Fehrman, DTU Chemistry
- 14:15 #59:Environmental sustainability of electricity supply in the world between 1980 and 2011: Lessons learnt and perspectives
Alexis Laurent, DTU Management Engineering
- 14:30-14:40: funding opportunities in the field
Thomas Aarup Larsen, DTU Transport, Anne Line Mikkelsen, Research Office
- Coffee break and poster session continued
14:40-15:30 in meeting center lounge (ground floor) & foyer (1st floor)
See list of presentations below
- Track 3 talks, second session
15:30-17:00 Meeting room 1 (1st floor)
Chaired by Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen, DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy
- 15:30 #60: Utilization of low-temperature heat sources for heat and power production
Fredrik Haglind, DTU Mechanical Engineering
- 15:45 #61:Power to fuel using electrolysis and CO2 capture
Mogens B. Mogensen, DTU Energy
- 16:00 #62:The perspectives of fusion energy: The roadmap towards energy production and fusion energy in a distributed energy system
Volker Naulin, DTU Physics
- 16:15 #63:Sustainability in transport
Henrik Gudmundsson, DTU Transport
- 16:30 #64:Green Maritime Logistics
Harilaos N. Psaraftis DTU Transport
- 16:45 Grøn Dyst
Louise Hindenburg, Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs
- 16:50 Discussion
Moderator Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen, DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy
- 17:00-18:00: Social event in the meeting center lounge area (ground floor)
sponsored by DTU's Grøn Dyst / Green Challenge with DTU's Bryghus
Track 3 Laptop Presentations
DTU Nanotech
#66:Microchip systems for imaging liquid and high temperature processes in TEM & SEM
DTU Electrical Engineering
#67:Renewables in Electricity Markets
DTU Fysik
#68:Solar Fuels: Photocatalytic Water Splitting Using a 2‐Photon Approach
Track 3 Poster Presentations
Christian Danvad
Center for nanoscopy
#70: Novel catalysts for methanol synthesis from CO2 and H2
DTU Environment
#71: EASETECH Energy: Life Cycle Assessment of the Danish Electricity System
Lasse Bo
DTU Chemistry
#72:Mo- and V- catalyzed Transformation of Biomass into High-Value Chemicals
DTU Physics
#73:Towards fusion energy as a sustainable energy source: Activities at DTU Physics
DTU Danchip
#74:TinyPower – Power conversion on a tiny scale
DTU Danchip
#75:Photovoltaic building blocks
DTU Photonics
#76:Thin films of absorber material CZTS for solar cells
DTU Compute
#77:Waste Water Treatment Plants and the Smart Grid
DTU Chemical Eng.
#78:H2CAP - Hydrogen assisted catalytic biomass pyrolysis for green fuels
DTU Biosustain
#79:Bioelectrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide by pure culture at the cathode.
DTU Management
#80:Assessing the environmental impacts of using demineralized coal for electricity generation
DTU Chemical Eng.
#81:Sustainability assessment of two chains of biomass supply from field to bioenergy
DTU Biosustain
#82:Production of butyrate and caproate from a coculture of Sporomusa ovata and Clostridium kluyveri during MES
Jesper Graa
DTU Mechanical Eng.
#83:Utilization of low temperature heat for environmentally friendly electricity production
Track 3 scientific committee
- Coordinator:Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen, DTU Natlab
- Sune Ebbesen, DTU Energyconversion
- Tian Zhang, DTU Biosustain
- Jan Rossmeisl, DTU Fysik
- Jens Juul Rasmussen, DTU Fysik
- Rasmus Fehrmann, DTU Chemistry
- Poul Norby, DTU Energyconversion
- Henrik Gudmundsson, DTU transport
- Brian Elmegaard, DTU Mek
- Steering group contact person: Kristian Mølhave, DTU Nanotech