Program for Track 5
Developing sustainable technologies and usage of resources requires continuous update of scientists and engineers to the latest knowledge in this complex field to ensure the best solutions. Innovation and entrepreneurship now require additional considerations of environmental impacts. Similarly the education of the future engineers and scientists must include these aspects. This track deals with how competences in sustainable development can be improved.
- # indicates number in book of abstracts
- Download book of abstracts (6 Mb)
- For a map for the poster session and conference locations, see Where to go.
- You should bring your presentation ready on both your laptop and on a memory stick. Exchanging laptops often gives problems and there you must be ready to quickly use another computer.
- Talks are organized in the tracks and your track will tell you specifically what to do in that session.
- In some tracks the track chair will require you upload the presentation beforehand.
- There will be laser pointers and adapters available for the talks.
- Lunch time poster session
11:30-ca 12:00 short 2 minute presentations of posters in Meeting Center room S12 (ground floor)
ca 12:00-13:00 Poster session in Meeting center lounge area (ground floor)
See list of presentations below
- Track 5 talk session
13:00-14:40 Meeting center room S012 (ground floor)
Chaired by Line Gry Knudsen and Christian Thune Jacobsen
- 13.00 Short introduction to the session by Stig Irving Olsen
- 13.05 Mickey Gjerris: #138 Integration of ethics in Diploma education
- 13.20 Questions
- 13.25 Louise Hindenburg: Grøn Dyst
- 13.35 Line Gry Knudsen: #133 Climate-KIC: the cradle for climate Entrepreneurs
- 13.55 Joachim Holbøll: #134 Energy research and teaching at CEE, DTU Elektro
- 14.10 Questions
- 14.15-14.35 Lisbeth Michaelsen, Susanne Balslev Nielsen, Stig Irving Olsen #135 - #137 Sustainability in existing buildings/ Sustainability policy and targets at DTU/ Campusservice as case in sustainability education.
- 14.40-15.30 Coffee and poster session continued in meeting center lounge & foyer (1st floor)
- 15.30-17.00 Workshop 1: What is the sustainability of your project?
Meeting center room S12. Max 34 persons
- 17.00-18.00: Social event in the meeting center
sponsored by DTU's Grøn Dyst / Green Challenge.with DTU's Bryghus
Track 5 Poster Presentations
DTU Library
Support to Researchers in Open Access, ORCID registration
DTU Ballerup Campus
#139:Sustainble DTU, Electronics and IT
DTU Chemical Engineering
#140: Unsustainability, eMergy and LCA
Lotte Bjerregaard
DTU Civil Engineering
#141: Creating an information quantum leap in early design phases
DTU Office for Bibliometrics and Data Management
#142: Open Access and ORCID poster presentation
DTU Aqua
#143:Dynamic Energy Budget theory: a means to develop competences in sustainable use of biological systems
Anne Nygaard
DTU Management Engineering
#144:The internationalisation of sub-suppliers’ innovation processes in the wind power industry